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What Does Bat Feces Look Like?

Bats are some of the most common critters to roost in residential properties. However, most people don’t know they need bat removal services until they come face-to-face with America’s most well-known flying mammal. One tell-tale sign of a potential bat infestation is the presence of bat feces. Also known as guano, bat droppings produce a remarkably distinct look and smell. Here is what you should look for when encountering bat feces in your home. 

The Distinct Look of Bat Feces 

Due to their diet, bat feces has a unique look and texture compared to other invasive critters’ waste. Bat droppings tend to be oval shaped pellets, measuring from a quarter to half an inch in length. They tend to be left in small piles and have a shiny, dark brown texture. 

The Unique Smell of Bat Feces 

You may discover the need for a bat removal service before you even lay eyes on bat guano. Their droppings have a unique smell when compared to other animals, giving off the distinct and overwhelming scent of ammonia. If you smell ammonia in odd places on your property, the source is likely a growing bat infestation. 

Where to Find Bat Feces 

Knowing what bat guano looks like isn’t helpful if you don’t know where to look for it. Bats are nocturnal, so they often rest in the shade to avoid direct sunlight during their slumber. Some key places to look for bat droppings include attics, chimneys, sheds, barns, or any other cool place blocked off from light sources. 

It’s also important to examine outdoor spaces with ample shade such as a balcony or porch to ensure bats aren’t roosting on the exterior of your property. Such locations could lead bats to make their way inside of your home if they become too comfortable or there is a large disturbance outside. 

The Danger of DIY Bat Removal

If you discover bats are making their home on your property, it’s vital not to interact with them yourself. Bats are dangerous animals that can cause severe injury and spread disease if not handled properly. Furthermore, many species of bat are protected and can only be excluded from homes during certain times of the year. Unlicensed bat removal could result in steep fines and potential jail time. Therefore, bat removal should only be conducted by licensed and trained bat removal professionals. 

Rely on Your Dallas Area Bat Removal Professional

At Critter Control® of Dallas, we pride ourselves in using eco-friendly and humane methods when it comes to removing unwanted critters and their lingering odors from inside your home or workplace. If you are dealing with a bat infestation, know that we’re here to help resolve all of your wildlife removal and prevention needs. 

For fast and effective relief from bats and their droppings, call Critter Control® of Dallas today at 817-222-1101 to schedule an inspection and receive a free bat removal estimate.

Ways to Keep Opossums Out of Your Trash

Opossums are scavengers that love to eat discarded items found in the trash. When they feast, opossums can over trash cans, leaving a mess to be cleaned up in your driveway, yard, or street. Since opossums are food-driven critters, they will continue to return and rummage through your trash until you install barriers to their entry. Here’s how to keep opossums out of your trash.

Make Your Trash Can Impenetrable

To prevent attracting hungry opossums, it’s important to have a trash can with a secure lid. Investing in a metal trash can with a lid that locks in place is ideal, but plastic cans with lids will also get the job done. However, you should note that many wild animals can chew through plastic, making entry into a plastic receptacle possible.

You can also keep possums away from your trash can by securing its lid with clamps or a locking system. To clamp the can, string rope, chains, or bungee cords around the can’s lid and through its handles, fastening them together. For further reinforcement to keep opossums from getting into your trash, you can lock the trash can lid with a combination lock or simply place a large item on top of the can’s lid that is too heavy for the critters to lift.

Keep Possums Away with Strong Scents

Repelling opossums with unappealing smells is another approach that can be taken to keep your garbage undisturbed. The overwhelming scent of ammonia causes animals, including opossums and rodents, to vacate the area. To repel unwanted opossums, spray the interior of your trash can with an ammonia-based solution. Other natural opossum repellents such as hot pepper or cayenne pepper can also be used to effectively keep possums away.

Ultimately, the best and most effective way to keep possums away or prevent them from coming back is to rely on the experts at Critter Control® of Dallas.

Your Dallas Area Opossum Removal Experts

At Critter Control® of Dallas, our licensed team of trained professionals are equipped to quickly and safely remove nuisance opossums and other unwanted wildlife from your Dallas area property. To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our effective opossum removal services, call Critter Control® of Dallas today at 817-222-1101.

How to Remove a Dead Animal Smell

How to Remove a Dead Animal SmellAs a homeowner, finding a dead animal in your home is an unfortunate, but possible, situation that you could one day face, especially if your property is not well maintained or regularly inspected by pest control professionals. In addition to getting rid of the dead animal’s carcass, you’ll also have to remove the unmistakable smell it creates. Here’s how to get rid of a dead animal smell from your property.

Removing a Dead Animal Smell from Your Home

The first thing you’ll want to do is identify where in your house the odor’s coming from. It’ll most likely be around your attic, air vents or walls as that’s how most animals enter your home. Some signs to look out for include:

  • Stronger areas of odor in certain parts of your home
  • Grease stains around floors or walls
  • Other pests, such as flies

After you remove a dead animal from your property, you’ll want to thoroughly wash the area where its body was. Use a strong disinfectant and warm water to prevent the smell from spreading. It’s also a good idea to wear gloves. Once the area is disinfected, place a cotton ball or cloth soaked in odor removal in spots where you notice the smell lingering. Odor removing sponges can also help neutralize the smell.

Ineffective Ways to Remove a Dead Animal and Its Odors

While DIY odor removal methods may take care of the job if you manage to find the dead critter quickly, you likely won’t notice a dead animal smell until it’s too late. And the longer it takes to remove a dead animal, the longer its smell will last. Unfortunately, over-the-counter deodorizers and natural at-home methods are often not strong enough to eliminate the lingering stench of a dead animal. 

Furthermore, dead animals could pose just as many health threats as live ones as their rotting carcass can be host to diseases, parasites, and contamination. So, don’t put yourself at risk by trying to get rid of the problem yourself. If you need to remove a dead animal and its smell from your home, rely on the wildlife removal professionals at Critter Control® of Dallas

Professional Dead Animal Odor Removal Services

At Critter Control® of Dallas, we pride ourselves in using eco-friendly and effective methods to remove alive or deceased critters from your home or workplace. If you’re dealing with an infestation or lingering dead animal smells, know we’re here to help. Call us at 817-222-1101 to schedule an inspection and receive a free animal removal estimate.

Do Mothballs Work Good for Rat Removal?

When noticing signs of a rat infestation, the first instinct of many homeowners is to search online for fast and effective rat removal methods; the results of which often include natural pest control remedies. One such home remedy is the use of mothballs for rat removal, but as convenient as this may sound, are mothballs actually effective for rat removal? 

The Ineffectiveness of Mothballs for Rat Removal

While mothballs are certainly effective at repelling certain insects, the pesticides in mothballs are not strong enough to repel a creature as large as a rat. Even if they were, rats are smart creatures and will either find an alternative route around the mothballs or create one themselves. Ultimately, mothballs won’t do all that much to help the rat issue on your property, and they can actually make your problems worse. 

The Trouble of Mothballs for Rat Removal

Ineffectiveness aside, it is also important to note that the misuse of moth balls for reasons not clearly stated on its label can be dangerous, inhumane, and result in legal issues. Mothballs can only be used to keep away insects. Using them to remove rats or for any purpose other than insect prevention is actually illegal. Furthermore, filling your home with pesticide-laced mothballs can be dangerous, especially if you have curious children or pets that can accidentally find and ingest the toxic substance. 

While purchasing mothballs for rat removal might seem like a cheap option, the price tag is certainly not worth the trouble. At the end of the day, the safest and most effective way to remove nuisance rats from your property is to rely on the rat removal services provided by the experts at Critter Control® of Dallas. 

Rely on Your Dallas Area Rat Removal Experts

At Critter Control® of Dallas, we are dedicated to providing Dallas area home and business owners with non-toxic, eco-friendly, and humane rat removal methods. If you’re dealing with unwanted critters on your Dallas-area property, our licensed and trained technicians have the experience and equipment needed to quickly and affordably resolve your infestation. 

For more information on our rat removal and prevention services and to receive a free estimate, call Critter Control® of Dallas today at 817-222-1101. 

The Dangers of DIY Possum Removal

Opossums like to sneak into homes and nest during the winter where it’s safe and warm. While these creatures may look cute, they can cause health and structural problems for you and your home. Because possums are normally docile, you may be considering trying to remove the critters yourself. However, hiring a possum removal professional to get rid of opossums is your safest bet.

Risks of Opossums

While possums do not carry rabies, the critters are known carriers of several other diseases, including leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis and even tuberculosis. They also can carry parasites onto your property that can be passed through contact. Their droppings contain bacteria that make you and your loved ones sick. 

Opossums aren’t aggressive, but they will lash out when they feel threatened. An opossum bite or scratch can pass on these dangerous diseases, putting your health at risk. If the possum tries to flee, it could also injure itself in the process. 

Get Rid of Opossums Professionally

DIY opossum removal may feel like the cheaper and better option, but it’s not worth it. At-home methods to get rid of opossums can be dangerous at best and inhumane at worst. An opossum removal professional will have access to safe and humane methods that will permanently get rid of possums in your home or business. That’s why if you’re dealing with an unwanted possum inside your Fort Worth  home or workplace, rely on the experts at Critter Control® of Ft. Worth

Expert Opossum Removal Services Near You

At Critter Control® of Ft. Worth, our licensed team of trained professionals are experienced and equipped to efficiently remove nuisance pests from your property. We’ve been helping Texans deal with opossums and other critters for more than 30 years. Our eco-friendly removal methods ensure permanent removal and the health and safety of everyone involved.

To schedule your inspection and receive a free estimate for our opossum removal services, call Critter Control® of Ft. Worth today at 817-222-1101. 

Can You Exterminate Snakes in Texas?

Texas is home to several species of dangerous snakes, including copperheads, rattlesnakes, western cottonmouths, and coral snakes. Many of these snakes are invasive to the environment and extermination is often a common method for their removal; however, killing a snake might cause more problems than solutions.

Can I Kill a Snake?

The only place where it is illegal to kill a snake is inside a state park, where killing a snake is considered a misdemeanor. However, the Department of Parks and Wildlife strongly discourages people from killing snakes because the creatures are an important part of the Texas ecosystem.

Protected Snakes in Texas

While there are very few regulations for snake removal in Texas, there are several protected snakes in Texas that are illegal to kill. The Louisiana pine snake is considered a threatened species that is in decline. The Texas Eastern indigo snake also has legal protections. Harming these animals could mean serious trouble including fines and potential jail time.

Use a Snake Removal Expert

While there are several venomous species of snakes in Texas, it can be easy to confuse them with a nonvenomous or harmless species. And, misidentifying a snake isn’t a good enough reason for killing it. Trying to take care of a snake yourself can not only put you in harm’s way but result in legal trouble. That is why it’s important to not kill a snake if you see one on your property. Instead, keep a safe distance and contact a wildlife professional for more humane methods of snake removal.

Professional Snake Removal Services in Dallas, TX

When you encounter a snake on your Dallas property, you’ll want a professional snake removal team that uses humane and permanent removal methods. At Critter Control® of Dallas, we pride ourselves on using eco-friendly and non-toxic methods of removal when it comes to getting rid of unwanted critters from inside your home or workplace.

If you are dealing with a snake infestation, call Critter Control® of Dallas today at 817-222-1101 to schedule an inspection and receive a free snake removal estimate.

Are Armadillos a Threat?

Armadillos are often seen as harmless and unassuming creatures, but they can be far more of a nuisance than one might think. Given the continued growth of the armadillo population in Texas, it is increasingly likely that you might find one in your Dallas backyard. If that becomes the case, it might be prudent to seek professional armadillo removal services. Here are some basic facts about armadillos that illustrate the possible threats they might pose to your Texas property.

The Threat of Invasive Armadillos

Armadillos can be a nuisance for your property in the following ways:

  • Constant Digging and Burrowing

Armadillos can cause significant damage to your property if left unmonitored. With their long claws they are known to dig small burrows in whatever landscape they are in, leaving a defaced lawn in their wake. Armadillos will also build deep underground burrows and dens for shelter, which can prove to be a structural and tripping hazard. In addition, armadillo digging patterns often take place in areas with loose soil or dirt such as fruit and vegetable gardens, laying waste to your produce.

  • Possible Spread of Leprosy and Disease

Armadillos are usually docile creatures, but like most critters they can get aggressive when they feel threatened. And while they possess teeth that can deliver a painful bite, the biggest danger posed by armadillos is the illnesses they could transmit. Scientists have discovered that armadillos can be a possible carrier of leprosy as well as rabies and other dangerous diseases, so due caution must be taken when encountering a wild armadillo.

To ensure that you and your family are safe, it is best to leave armadillo removal methods to a wildlife professional that has the equipment and protection required to humanely and safely move the pest from your property.

Armadillo Removal Experts in Dallas

At Critter Control® of Dallas, we use safe, eco-friendly, and humane methods to remove invasive pests and wildlife from Dallas area properties. If you are having an issue with armadillos or any other unwanted pests, call us today at 817-222-1101 to schedule an inspection and receive a free estimate for our effective and safe armadillo removal and trapping services.

What Is a Bat Box?


Bats are important for the ecosystem; they help support plant life by spreading seeds and pollinating plants and help control pest populations by eating insects. Bat boxes are small, wooden boxes that are used to attract a variety of bat species. They are often placed in trees or on buildings. By installing a bat box on a far corner of your property, you can control the amount of nuisance pests that swarm your house while also providing bats with a safe place to roost away from your home.

Benefits of a Bat Box

A properly installed bat box on the outskirts of your property can:

  1. Give bats an alternative habitat to sleep or rest in that is not your home or attic
  2. Protect your yard from destructive pests like mosquitoes, moths, and beetles. 
  3. Give female bats a safe and warm place to raise their pups.
  4. Provide a clean home for bats that helps prevent the development of White-nose syndrome.

Bat boxes not only benefit bats, but they can help protect you and your family, as well. 

The Dangers of Bats

While beneficial to the environment, bats can pose several threats to humans. Bats are known carriers of infectious diseases that they can spread through bites, saliva, and their toxic feces (guano).

A bat box effectively encourages bats to roost away from your home and reduces the chance of human contact with bats, as the animals will likely flock to the bat box instead of entering your home. However, there is always a possibility that a bat on your property could find its way into your house. If you notice a bat infestation in your home or attic, it is important to contact the bat removal professionals at Critter Control® of Dallas as soon as possible.

Dallas Area Bat Removal Professionals

The licensed and trained technicians at Critter Control® of Dallas are equipped to humanely exclude invasive bats from your Dallas property. We follow a four-step bat removal method that includes:

  1. Inspection

    Our professionals will thoroughly inspect your home to locate the bats and determine how they got in.

  2. Exclusion

    We strategize and execute a humane removal plan to get rid of the bats for good.

  3. Restoration

    Any property damage caused by the bats will be repaired and cleaned. 

  4. Prevention

    All entry points will be sealed to prevent the bats from re-entering your home.

At Critter Control® of Dallas, we pride ourselves in using eco-friendly and humane methods when it comes to removing unwanted critters from inside your home or workplace. If you are dealing with a bat infestation, call us today at 817-222-1101 to schedule an inspection and receive a free bat removal estimate.

What to Do if I Find a Rat in My Kitchen

What to Do if I Find a Rat in My KitchenIt is important to know the warning signs of a rat infestation to help keep you ahead of the problem. When dealing with rats, you may notice squeaking noises, dark stains on floors, chew marks on baseboards, or droppings inside your kitchen pantry. Once you detect these signs of a rat infestation in your kitchen, it is important to act fast and immediately contact a professional rat removal service to quickly and safely remove rats from your home and keep them from returning.

Why Rats Are Attracted to Your Kitchen 

To fully understand how to keep rats out of your home, it is important to know what attracts them to your kitchen in the first place. Invasive rats are likely searching for the following:

  1. Shelter in dark or cluttered spaces
  2. Unsealed food boxes
  3. Accessible water sources
  4. Crumbs and trash
  5. Pet food bowls

How to Get Rid of Rats in Your Kitchen

There are ways to minimize the risk of a full rat infestation in your home.

  1. Eliminate potential food sources: Don’t leave food sitting out on the counter, and make sure to vacuum frequently, clean up any spillages, keep waste in closed bins, and store dry food in tightly sealed plastic containers.

  2. Clean and declutter: Having less clutter gives rats fewer places to hide and nest. Move objects away from the wall so you can check what is behind them. Regularly clean out your pantry of any old cardboard food boxes or expired foods that could attract hungry rats.
  3. Seal all gaps: Rats can squeeze through even the tiniest holes to get into your home. Scan the exterior of your home for any exposures and seal them with caulk, metal kick plates, cement, or wire mesh to prevent rats from entering your property.

  4. Contact a rat removal professional: A licensed and trained rat removal technician will have the experience and equipment needed to safely get rid of rats in your kitchen. 

Get Rid of Rats with Critter Control® of Dallas

At Critter Control® of Dallas, we pride ourselves in using eco-friendly and humane methods when it comes to removing unwanted critters from inside your home. If you are dealing with a rat infestation in your kitchen, we will thoroughly inspect your property, permanently remove the pests, clean and repair all damages, and seal any entry points the rats used to get inside.

To schedule an inspection and receive a free rat removal estimate, call Critter Control® of Dallas today at 817-222-1101.

How Do I Keep Squirrels Out of My Trees?

How Do I Keep Squirrels Out of My Trees?

Squirrels may seem cute and adorable when watching them from a distance. However, they stop being cute when they start invading the trees on your property, causing disturbing noises and destructive damage. If you are dealing with a squirrel infestation, try these squirrel removal methods to keep the pesky rodents from nesting in your trees. 

Ways You Can Keep Squirrels Out of Your Trees

Use the following tips to keep squirrels out of your trees.

  1. Repel the pests: Squirrels are sensitive to certain smells, particularly ammonia and cayenne pepper. You can use the two different scents to repel squirrels from your trees. Either soak a rag or sock in ammonia and hang it from a tree limb, or spray the tree once a week or after a heavy rain with a squirrel repellent solution that contains cayenne pepper.
  2. Cut off their food supply: Squirrels often come to residential properties in search of food. They commonly search for nuts, seeds, fruits, green vegetation, and pinecones. Get ahead of the problem by taking down any bird feeders that are hanging on the trees on your property. Also fence off any fruit trees and pick up any fallen or rotting produce that could attract squirrels or give them a reason to stay.
  3. Keep them from climbing: To prevent the squirrels from climbing up your trees, place a metal band around the trunk about six feet off the ground. The slick metal surface of the band will cause squirrels to lose traction and slip. Tighten the band by attaching wire on one end to the springs on the other end of the band. The springs will allow the tree to keep growing while securing the metal band in place. 

How to Prevent Squirrels from Entering Your Home

Once you notice a growing squirrel infestation in your yard or in the trees around your property, then it is only a matter of time before they try to invade your home’s attic. Squirrels are always looking for a warm place to take shelter that is close to an accessible food supply, especially during colder months. Therefore, it is important to seal up even the slightest gap or crack in your roof or exterior walls to prevent nuisance squirrels from entering your Dallas property. Also keep any overhanging tree branches trimmed back so squirrels cannot access your roof. 

To keep the squirrels on your property off your trees and out of your home, rely on the professional squirrel removal services from Critter Control® of Dallas.

Squirrel Removal Experts in Dallas, TX

At Critter Control® of Dallas, we pride ourselves in using eco-friendly and humane methods when it comes to removing unwanted critters, such as squirrels, from inside your home or workplace. Our licensed and trained technicians are here to help resolve all of your wildlife removal and prevention needs. We will provide you with a thorough and timely squirrel removal service that also restores any damages the pests caused.

If you are dealing with a squirrel infestation, call us today at 817-222-1101 to schedule an inspection and receive a free squirrel removal estimate. 

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