erick.merced | Critter Control Dallas - Part 2

The Risks of DIY Armadillo Trapping

Dealing with pests can be one of the most inconvenient tasks. Especially in southern areas like Dallas, wild pests like armadillos can become extremely invasive and destructive if they wander onto your property. For instance, the nuisance mammals can destroy your lawn from their constant digging, and even cause structural damage from burrowing, such as cracked concrete, broken pipes, and weakened building structures. To minimize costly repairs, it is important to get rid of an armadillo infestation as soon as it is discovered.

Common Armadillo Trapping Methods

While contacting a wildlife removal service that specializes in armadillo removal will be your safest and most reliable method of extraction, you may be tempted to try and trap an armadillo on your own. In order to conduct an armadillo removal, there are two regularly used methods. The first, and most common, way to catch an armadillo is to use a live trap. For this method, the are many important factors to ensure all goes as planned:

  1. The trap must be on a flat surface and in an area where armadillos frequent.
  2. The trigger for the trap must be completely clean.
  3. The trap should be baited with a piece of fruit or earthworms to guide the armadillo in the right direction.
  4. Using a pre-used armadillo trap will be more effective, as armadillos are drawn to the scent of other armadillos.

Although it may be tempting, taking care of your armadillo problem yourself can not only be dangerous to you, but can cause many more problems than you initially started with.

Effective Armadillo Removal

Therefore, the most highly recommended method to remove armadillos from your property is to call a wildlife removal service. From bites and scratches to the spread of harmful diseases, such as leprosy and rabies, it is easy for anything to go wrong when dealing with a wild animal. This is why your best option is to contact a local expert in the field of armadillo removal if you lack professional training.

Professional Armadillo Removal Services in Dallas

With so many risks that come with attempting to trap an armadillo yourself, it is essential to call the professionals for a smooth and easy removal. At Critter Control® of Dallas, we will quickly and humanely trap and remove nuisance armadillos from your Texas property.

Whether it’s just one armadillo, or an entire infestation, we will get the job done hassle-free. Not only do we specialize in armadillo removal, but we are equipped to handle other nuisance pests too— such as racoons, rodents, insects, and more.

For all your wildlife removal and pest control needs, contact Critter Control® of Dallas at 863-617-7476, to schedule a consultation and receive your free estimate.

How to Keep Raccoons Away Off Your Dallas Property


Has something been tampering with your trash lately? If you live in the Greater Dallas area, your prime suspect should be a raccoon. Raccoons, while cute and curious creatures, can be incredibly troublesome when they decide to invade your property. Here are some of the best ways to keep raccoons away and off your Dallas, TX property.

Why Raccoons Are on Your Property

Very simply, raccoons are attracted to food, and residential properties tend to be an abundant food source in the eyes of these animals. In particular, raccoons love to rummage through outdoor trash cans that hold food remains or near grilling stations, especially when they haven’t been cleaned thoroughly.

Signs of a Raccoon Infestation 

There are many signs of a raccoon infestation that are easy to spot. One of the most obvious signs is if your outdoor trash can has been tampered with. Raccoons are rather dexterous, so even if you keep a lid on the trash can, raccoons are known to be able to lift the lid to enter and exit the receptacle with ease. Another obvious sign of raccoon activity is if you notice small paw prints around your property or scratch marks on your floors and baseboards. Although claw marks could indicate any number of animals, these two signs in combination clearly point towards the existence of a raccoon infestation.

The Dangers of Raccoons

There are several reasons why you don’t want raccoons near or on your property. Other than being a tremendous nuisance, raccoons can carry a number of dangerous diseases, particularly rabies, and can easily transfer them to you, your family, or your pets if you come into contact with them. Furthermore, trash-rummaging raccoons will also leave behind food remains that will attract other animals to your property, which only adds to your overall headache.

Preventing Raccoon Infestations

There are a number of ways to prevent racoon infestations in Dallas, TX, such as:

  1. Putting a lock on your outdoor trash can
  2. Keeping outdoor cooking stations, like grills, clean
  3. Installing fences around your outdoor gardens and composting areas
  4. Calling a wildlife removal expert to install raccoon prevention measures on your property

If you need professional raccoon removal or prevention services in Dallas, TX, look no further than the efficient and effective services offered by the licensed wildlife experts at Critter Control® of Dallas.

Experienced Raccoon Removal in Dallas, TX

At Critter Control® of Dallas, we handle every wildlife removal service with the most care possible through our humane CritterSafe® removal methods. These methods prioritize the safety of the animal and your property by only using eco-friendly and non-toxic wildlife removal tools and procedures.

For more information on our fast raccoon removal and prevention services or to schedule an appointment and receive a free estimate, give Critter Control® of Dallas a call today at 817-222-1101.

How Do You Get Rid of Snakes?


As a Dallas-area resident, catching snakes slithering into your home, hiding in your garage, or lurking around your property isn’t an uncommon occurrence. During the summer you’ll often find snakes out and about in your yard, but in the colder winter months, snakes may prefer taking shelter inside your home.

Whether you’re dealing with rattlesnakes or black racers, if you’ve noticed snake activity at your home or business, inside or out, then try these expert-recommended tips for getting them off your Dallas property.

Ways to Get Rid of Snakes 

The following methods can help prevent and discourage snakes from living on your property.

  • Clean up to deter snakes. If your house is an uncomfortable place for a snake to live, they won’t want to stay there long. Be sure to keep your lawn manicured and hedges trimmed to prevent hiding spots in the yard. Snakes can also sneak into your home through cracks, holes, or gaps in the foundation and walls, so double check to make sure there are no exposures they can access.
  • Get rid of their food sources. When snakes set up camp in your yard or in your home, they are probably hanging around because there is a food source nearby. Check the area for signs of small prey, like rats and mice, that snakes might like to snack on.
  • Try using snake traps. At home snake removal isn’t easy—even with a trap. While snake trapping can be effective, you run the risk of accidentally luring in the wrong critters. If you do manage to capture a snake in your trap, take great care during the removal process as many snakes in Dallas are venomous.
  • Contact snake removal professionals. The fastest, safest, and most effective way to get rid of nuisance snakes, both venomous and non-venomous, is to call local wildlife removal experts who are experienced and equipped to handle invasive snakes.

Rely on Your Local Snake Removal Experts

If you encounter a snake on your Dallas/Ft. Worth property, keep a safe distance and call the wildlife removal experts at Critter Control® of Dallas. Our licensed and trained wildlife professionals use eco-friendly and humane methods of removal when it comes to getting rid of unwanted critters inside your home or workplace.

If you are dealing with a snake infestation, give us a call at 817-222-1101 to schedule an inspection and receive a free snake removal estimate.

5 Signs of a Mouse or Rat Infestation in Your Home

When it comes to pest infestations in the Dallas area, rodents are one of the most common culprits. If you suspect there are mice or rats in your Dallas home, then here are five common signs of a mouse or rat infestation to help you identify the pests and take the appropriate actions to eliminate the invasive critters.

Common Signs of a Mouse or Rat Infestation

  1. Droppings

    When inspecting your home, the amount of droppings you find will give you a rough estimate of how small or large your rodent infestation has become. Where the droppings are will also tell you where to lay traps or bait. If the droppings are small and pointed on both ends, then you are dealing with a mouse infestation. However, if the droppings are a half inch or larger, then it is a rat infestation.

  2. Gnawed materials

    Rats and mice must gnaw to keep their teeth in check; this means chewing through wires, cables, plastic piping, cardboard, drywall, and wooden support beams to dull their teeth. If you discover such costly and annoying damages, then you likely have a rodent infestation. However, the size of their gnawed holes will indicate whether you are dealing with rats or mice. For instance, if the gnawed holes are about the size of a dime and clear cut, you have a mouse infestation. If the gnawed holes are about the size of a quarter with torn edges, you have a rat infestation.

  3. Nests

    Rat and mouse nests differ in location and material. If you find a nest that is made up of shredded paper, string, and other flexible materials, it is likely due to a mouse infestation. If the nest is in the attic insulation or outside burrowed in deep vegetation, it is likely a rat infestation.

  4. Scampering noises

    Rodents are nocturnal. Therefore, if you hear scratching noises at night you may be in the midst of a rodent infestation. When you get up to inspect, look out for the physical characteristics of the rodents to determine which critter is infesting your property as rats and mice differ in size and appearance. Mice are six to seven inches long, have large ears, tiny black eyes, and black, grey or brown fur. Meanwhile, rats are 11 to 19 inches long, have coarse red, brown, grey or black fur, and a long scaly tail.

  5. Your pet is behaving strangely

    Pets are always on red alert to protect their home. If they are acting skittish, bark for no apparent reason, or start to paw at small spaces under the refrigerator, stove, or furniture, then you should take it as evidence of an infestation and call a rodent removal expert to determine the species you are dealing with and swiftly remove them.

Expert Dallas Mouse and Rat Infestation Removal

At Critter Control® of Dallas, we pride ourselves in using eco-friendly and humane methods of removal when it comes to unwanted critters inside your home or workplace. If you are dealing with a rodent infestation, rely on our licensed and trained mice and rat removal experts to help with all of your wildlife control and prevention needs. Give us a call today at 817-222-1101 to schedule an inspection and receive a free estimate.

5 Raccoon Prevention Tips

With their sharp claws and ability to dig and scratch into your home through gaps in your roof soffits and ventilation ducts, raccoons can be a damaging problem to your property and your health. In their search for food and shelter, these nocturnal and mischievous critters are known to shred everything from your trash bags and screen doors to your attic insulation and electrical wiring. When left to their own devices, a raccoon infestation can lead to electrical fires, water damage, and frustrating messes. 

The following expert raccoon prevention tips will help keep your home safe and snuff out any raccoon problems before they arise.

How to Stop a Raccoon Infestation Before It Starts

  • Fence in your property

    Although raccoons are skillful climbers and diggers, fences can be effective at keeping them from making their way into your home or business. A tall fence with a fair amount of length buried underground can go a long way in deterring these sneaky creatures from crawling in. 

  • Patch up holes

    Sealing up entry points around your home is an extremely useful raccoon prevention tip and is essential in keeping unwanted critters out. Raccoons can squeeze their way through tight spaces, so be sure to check thoroughly for small cracks and holes. Raccoons are also known to crawl in through chimneys, so be sure to install a chimney cap to keep your flue free of pests.

  • Keep your food locked away

    Raccoons are always looking for a quick, easy meal. Food left out or even fallen fruit in your yard can attract raccoons onto your property. Clean up any leftover foods, lock away pet food after your four-legged friends are finished, and keep bird feeders strung up where raccoons cannot reach them. 

  • Secure your trash cans

    A smelly, full trash can is like a buffet to a raccoon. Be sure to always secure trash can lids and keep garbage tightly tucked away. If your lid doesn’t lock into place, raccoons may be able to lift it and get the goodies inside. If problems persist, add a little extra security by placing a heavy object on top of the lid or tying it down with bungee cords. 

  • Wall off decorative ponds

    Even if your decorative pond isn’t stocked with fish, ponds and pools look like potential fishing holes to raccoons. Hoping for a snack, raccoons will be attracted to any body of water. Tossing a cover over your pond or pool when no one is home is a great raccoon prevention tip to keep curious critters from wandering near.


While there are a lot of DIY raccoon prevention methods that can be practiced at home, the only sure-fire way to take care of a raccoon issue is to seek help from your local wildlife prevention and removal professionals. 

Professional Raccoon Prevention Tips and Removal Experts

At Critter Control® of Dallas, we pride ourselves in using eco-friendly and humane methods of removal when it comes to unwanted critters inside your home or workplace. If you are dealing with a raccoon infestation or need assistance with wildlife prevention, know that we’re here to help out with all of your wildlife needs. 

To schedule an inspection and receive a free estimate for our wildlife services, give us a call today at 817-222-1101.

How to Get Rid of Bats

Bat removal can be a tricky process. If bats are not properly removed from your house, you can risk a widespread infestation or severe legal ramifications. If you discover bats living in your Dallas residence, they must be dealt with quickly before they can spread unpleasant odors, toxic waste, and cause structural problems to your home.

Why Bats Enter Residential Homes

While a bat infestation in your home may be uncomfortable, chances are the bats did not intentionally enter your house to irritate you. Bats commonly set up camp in preparation of maternity season, which annually occurs between spring and late summer. During this time, bats will enter residential homes looking for a safe, stable, and comfortable environment to raise their newborn pups until they are able to fly and collect food without the help of their mother. 

Common Access Point Used by Bats

A few common entry points that bats may use to access your home include:

  • Open windows
  • Faulty framing
  • Chimneys
  • Vents
  • Damaged roofing

Is It Illegal to Remove Bats From Your House?

Texas state laws and federal regulations are in place to require protection and safe removal of bats. These statutes restrict unauthorized people from attempting to get rid of bats, which may result in an unfortunate situation that brings harm to the animal. These laws also regulate how bats may be removed from a building. Using any type of chemical, such as insecticides and disinfectants, in an endeavor to get rid of bats is a violation of federal law. In addition to this, no one is permitted to hunt or sell any member of a bat whether it is dead or alive, according to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code.

How to Get Rid of Bats During Maternity Season

In compliance with Texas state laws, you must contact a licensed professional that knows how to get rid of bats safely and legally. Therefore, if you discover bats living in your house within the months of May and August, you will need to wait until maternity season has ended to schedule a removal. Otherwise, removing the maternal bats will leave their pups orphaned. Because certain bat species are protected, bat removal during bat maternity season can result in steep legal penalties as newborn bats cannot survive without their mother. 

The best time to contact someone who knows how to get rid of bats is between September and April. This way, you can avoid fines resulting from the displacement of the critters and their babies. 

Permanently Get Rid of Bats With Critter Control® of Dallas

The licensed and trained professionals at Critter Control® of Dallas know how to get rid of bats from your property legally, safely, and permanently. A few ways our experts ensure a successful bat removal include: 

  1. Inspecting your property to find out what species is inhabiting your house
  2. Identifying all points of entry and areas the bats are roosting in
  3. Sealing off any other potential entrances and exits with one-way exits that exclude bats from returning

When it comes to removing unwanted critters inside your home or workplace, we only use eco-friendly and humane methods. If you are dealing with a bat infestation or any other wildlife issue, rely on the professionals at Critter Control® of Dallas for all of your wildlife removal and prevention needs. To schedule an inspection and receive a free estimate, call us today at 817-222-1101.

How to Keep Squirrels Out of My Garden

Squirrels are known for damaging residential gardens since they provide easy access to low-hanging food such as seedlings, fruits, berries, flowers, vegetables, leaves, and tree buds. If you have noticed half-eaten crops, chewed produce on the ground, or small, shallow holes in your garden soil, then you may have a squirrel infestation on your hands. Fortunately, there are simple methods to help keep squirrels from ravaging your garden and professional services that you can enlist to keep your squirrel problem from getting out of control.

Ways to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden

The following methods can prevent squirrels from ruining your gardens or lurking around your property.

  • Hide Their Food

    Keep an eye out for nuts, acorns, and berries that fall to the ground. You can gather these foods and relocate them to the corner of your yard to keep them away from the actual garden. Try to keep the lid closed on your trash can to hinder any rummaging that can occur as well.

  • Use Your Pets

    Dogs love chasing squirrels that come near your home, so let your pet act as your own personal squirrel patrol to keep the nuisance critters at bay.

  • Repel With Scents

    Squirrels and deer are offended by similar scents, so using deer repellents helps deter them away. Coffee grounds and dog hair can also act as repellents if your put these around or under your plants. Planting mint, marigolds, nasturtiums, or mustard around your more desired crops can also drive squirrels away due to their strong smells.

  • Startle Them

    Use motion-activated technology to spray water or air at squirrels. This tactic will scare away any unwanted garden intruder.

  • Build a Fence

    Protect your crops by reinforcing your garden with a deep wire fence or enclose it in a greenhouse.

  • Designate Food for Them

    You can make squirrels their own feeding ground and place it a good distance away from your garden. This way they can still eat, but not ruin your garden in the process. You can also use a squirrel feeder to distribute sunflower seeds, peanuts, corn and water so they stay hydrated. However, this tactic may attract more squirrels to your property as a consequence, so it may be a risky thing to do.

If the above methods fail to keep squirrels out of your garden, then try relying on wildlife control professionals who are equipped in the humane and efficient removal of unwelcome squirrels.

Professional Squirrel Removal With Critter Control® of Dallas

Although squirrels do not pose a direct threats to humans, their presence on your Dallas property can be a destructive annoyance if left unresolved. If you have squirrels digging around, chewing up, and messing with the hard work that you put into your garden, we recommend contacting the professionals at Critter Control® of Dallas to permanently resolve your issue.

At Critter Control® of Dallas we pride ourselves in using eco-friendly and humane methods to remove unwanted nuisance critters from your home or workplace. If you are dealing with a squirrel infestation, give us a call today at 817-222-1101 to schedule an inspection and receive a free estimate for our squirrel removal and rodent-prevention services.

What To Do If You Have a Mouse Problem

What To Do If You Have a Mouse ProblemMice may seem like cute, fuzzy, and harmless critters, but having them run loose in your Dallas home can be terrifying. Mice are rodents, after all, and as such they are likely to carry disease, contaminate food, and gnaw on most anything they come across – including your electrical wiring, wooden beams, and the insulation in your walls and attic. Indeed, these small creatures can end up being a big, ugly nuisance overnight. To limit the damage they can cause to your property, here is what to do if you have a mouse problem.

Signs That You Have a Mouse Problem

A mouse problem is definitely one you want to avoid. In order to verify that you have a mouse problem, it is important to know what telltale signs of a mouse infestation to look out for. 

  1. Sounds in the Night. You might hear squeaking, scratching, chewing noises, or the pitter-patter of restless mice overhead during the night. 
  2. Odorous Droppings. Look out for small pellets of droppings or even tiny puddles of ammonia-scented urine along floorboards and in attic crawlspaces. 
  3. Makeshift Nests. Mice can be pretty resourceful when it comes to establishing their nests. They often construct nests out of fabric or attic insulation to make suitable breeding grounds. 

How To Solve Your Mouse Problem

If you have seen one mouse in your Dallas home or business, chances are there are more nesting and breeding throughout your property. While there are different store-bought traps and techniques you could employ, the truth is that only professional, thorough mouse removal methods will solve your mouse problem long term. 

If you are dealing with an infestation of unwelcome and unwanted mice, then don’t prolong your troubles by experimenting with costly DIY remedies, harmful mouse traps, and other inefficient half-measures. Instead, contact the professional mouse removal experts at Critter Control® of Dallas to ensure quick removal and the safety of your family, employees, pets, and the critters themselves.

The Solution To Your Dallas Mouse Problems 

At Critter Control® of Dallas, our expert team uses a proven, four-step process to eliminate mice. After thoroughly inspecting your property, our licensed and trained technicians will safely and humanely remove all invasive rodents using non-toxic and eco-friendly methods of removal, then they will use effective exclusion methods to make sure the mice never return.

When it comes to dealing with nuisance wildlife inside your home or workplace, contact Critter Control® of Dallas for experienced and discreet wildlife removal and pest prevention services. To schedule an appointment and receive a free estimate, give us a call today at 817-222-1101.

Can Rats Enter the Home From Plumbing?

The idea of rats in sewers is a common scene shown in movies and TV shows, but, in reality, rats do travel through underground sewers. While it is more likely that rats will find their way in to your Dallas home through small holes in the foundation or exterior walls, they have been known to enter through drain pipes and toilets. Here are some of the ways rats use sewers and plumbing to access homes and how you can prevent it.

Why Do Rats Live in Sewers? 

Rats are often found in sewers because of its comforting shelter, dark and damp atmosphere, and easily accessible sources of food and water. They are attracted to the livable temperatures that sewers provide, as sewers feel warmer during cold temperatures and cooler during hot temperatures. Sewers also provide protection from predators and are a dumping ground for garbage disposals that contain humans’ unwanted food scraps. 

Why Do Rats Leave the Sewer? 

As accommodating as sewers may seem for rats, they only act as a temporary home for these rodents. While rats are good swimmers, the constant threat of flooding may drive rats to retreat into elevated plumbing, as they can only swim well in low to moderate levels of water. Sewers are also known as breeding grounds for rats. The resulting overcrowding makes it hard to compete for food, causing rats to look elsewhere, often above ground, for new shelter. The heightened noise level of a sewer system may disturb a pack of rats, essentially pushing them out of the sewer and upward into residential plumbing.

How Rats Use Plumbing To Enter Homes

When on the move, rats can easily use their strong incisors to break through old sewer pipes already vulnerable from wear and tear. Once in the pipeline, rats can climb, swim, and crawl up through the piping to penetrate the small opening of a shower, sink, or toilet and enter a home. 

To keep rats from accessing your home through plumbing, make sure your drains are securely sealed with a metal grate or mesh covering. Also make it a habit of closing your toilet seats so that rats have fewer opportunities to make their way into your residential home. 

The Threat of a Rat Infestation

As unsettling as the thought of sewer rats climbing up your plumbing may seem, what’s worse is an infestation of contaminated rats living, nesting, and breeding in your home. If you see any chewed up pieces of wire, holes in the walls, rat droppings, small track marks, or hear squeaking and scratching noises coming from your walls, attic, or plumbing, then immediately call on the professional rat removal services of Critter Control® of Dallas to quickly and permanently get rid of these destructive and diseased rodents.

Get Rid of Rats With Critter Control®

Critter Control® of Dallas has the experience, tools, and qualifications to return your sense of comfort and provide you with a stress- and rat-free environment. Our licensed and insured technicians use of eco-friendly and humane tactics to remove nuisance wildlife and ensure that they do not return. If you discover rodents living in your property, then put your trust in Critter Control® of Dallas to get rid of them for good and keep them from coming back. Contact us today at 817-222-1101 to schedule an inspection and receive a free estimate.

5 Ways Raccoons Get in Your Home

5 Ways Raccoons Get in Your HomeWhen you hear strange noises in your Dallas home, your first thought might not be raccoons. However, the furry bandits are notoriously dexterous and can manage to maneuver their way into your home when no longer content with your garbage cans. Often the easiest way for raccoons to gain entry into your home is though insecurities in your roof. Here are five ways raccoons may be getting inside your home. 

  1. Roof-Soffit Intersections

A roof-soffit intersection is any place where two sections of your roof meet. Most often, the shingles of a lower roof meets with the soffit, or the underside of an eave, of an upper roof. They tend to be the most vulnerable areas of your roof and can be easy access points for pests like raccoons or squirrels. Using the lower, shingled part of your roof, raccoons can push against a flimsy aluminum or plastic soffit and gain entry to your attic. 

  1. Roof Vents

A lot of the time, when raccoons enter your home, they are looking for refuge from the elements. If it’s particularly cold outside, they can feel the warm air circulating from the vent on your roof and they will destroy the cover in an attempt to take shelter from cold weather. Similar to flimsy soffits, aluminum or plastic vents allow raccoons to gain easy access to your house. 

  1. Chimneys 

Chimneys provide ventilation for your home’s fireplace, but they also provide an excellent entry point for raccoons. Chimneys are similar to hollow tree trunks, and raccoons are drawn to them because of their ability to scurry up and down the length of the chimney. Chimney dampers are an excellent place for raccoons to nest, so a mother raccoon may decide to make her home inside of your chimney. 

  1. Roof Edges

The edge of your roof is extremely vulnerable to deterioration due to its proximity to the rain gutter. Rain and snow weaken this area of your roof and opportunistic raccoons are able to claw and scratch a hole into the roof edge and get into your attic. 

  1. Plumbing Mats 

Plumbing mats are rubber mats that cover the hole in your roof that is created when the plumbing vent is installed. These rubber mats are found surrounding those cylindrical vents sticking out of your roof. Raccoons are able to pull up the rubber mat or tear off sections of the mat and in doing so they will gain access to your attic.

How To Tell If You Have a Raccoon Infestation

You’ll be able to tell if you have an unwanted raccoon in your house or on your property if you notice:

Professional Dallas Racoon Removal

The wildlife removal professionals at Critter Control® of Dallas use humane and non-toxic methods of removal when it comes to unwanted raccoons or other wild animals inside your home or workplace. Not only will we safely and efficiently remove any nuisance critters, but our licensed and trained technicians will also seal-up and reinforce your property to make sure they do not return. If you suspect you have raccoons in your home, give us a call for a free estimate at 817-222-1101.

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