What Does Bat Feces Look Like? | Critter Control Dallas

What Does Bat Feces Look Like?

What Does Bat Feces Look Like?

Bats are some of the most common critters to roost in residential properties. However, most people don’t know they need bat removal services until they come face-to-face with America’s most well-known flying mammal. One tell-tale sign of a potential bat infestation is the presence of bat feces. Also known as guano, bat droppings produce a remarkably distinct look and smell. Here is what you should look for when encountering bat feces in your home. 

The Distinct Look of Bat Feces 

Due to their diet, bat feces has a unique look and texture compared to other invasive critters’ waste. Bat droppings tend to be oval shaped pellets, measuring from a quarter to half an inch in length. They tend to be left in small piles and have a shiny, dark brown texture. 

The Unique Smell of Bat Feces 

You may discover the need for a bat removal service before you even lay eyes on bat guano. Their droppings have a unique smell when compared to other animals, giving off the distinct and overwhelming scent of ammonia. If you smell ammonia in odd places on your property, the source is likely a growing bat infestation. 

Where to Find Bat Feces 

Knowing what bat guano looks like isn’t helpful if you don’t know where to look for it. Bats are nocturnal, so they often rest in the shade to avoid direct sunlight during their slumber. Some key places to look for bat droppings include attics, chimneys, sheds, barns, or any other cool place blocked off from light sources. 

It’s also important to examine outdoor spaces with ample shade such as a balcony or porch to ensure bats aren’t roosting on the exterior of your property. Such locations could lead bats to make their way inside of your home if they become too comfortable or there is a large disturbance outside. 

The Danger of DIY Bat Removal

If you discover bats are making their home on your property, it’s vital not to interact with them yourself. Bats are dangerous animals that can cause severe injury and spread disease if not handled properly. Furthermore, many species of bat are protected and can only be excluded from homes during certain times of the year. Unlicensed bat removal could result in steep fines and potential jail time. Therefore, bat removal should only be conducted by licensed and trained bat removal professionals. 

Rely on Your Dallas Area Bat Removal Professional

At Critter Control® of Dallas, we pride ourselves in using eco-friendly and humane methods when it comes to removing unwanted critters and their lingering odors from inside your home or workplace. If you are dealing with a bat infestation, know that we’re here to help resolve all of your wildlife removal and prevention needs. 

For fast and effective relief from bats and their droppings, call Critter Control® of Dallas today at 817-222-1101 to schedule an inspection and receive a free bat removal estimate.

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